Once the deck has been washed with a stripper and the old deck stain is gone, it is necessary to brighten the wood using a wood brightener. The deck stripper will darken the wood and raise the pH level. Brightening the wood back to a natural state and lowering the pH to a more acidic...
for junipers.Diseasesthat can plague junipers include cedar-apple rust, cercospora blight, and twig blight. Remove the infected branches and use a fungicide to treat diseased plants. It's recommended that junipers be sprayed a few times a year with an anti-fungal product to prevent infection...
Cedar-apple rust, another common concern, is a problematic fungal disease that produces yellow spots on leaves and reddish-brown galls on young twigs. Additionally, fireblight, a frustrating bacterial disease, causes branches to turn brown or black and wilt. Solutions to these problems may include...
CAR Cedar Apple Rust (fungal disease) CAR Cancer-Associated Retinopathy CAR Corrective Action Report CAR Canadian Aviation Regulation CAR Committee on Accreditation Review (Massachusetts) CAR Controlled Activities Regulations (UK) CAR Champions Are Readers (literacy) CAR Cordillera Autonomous Region (Philippi...
and can handle its roots being wet, as long as they are not sitting in boggy soil. Keep varieties of Eastern Red Cedar away from apple and crabapple trees, as it is a common carrier of cedar-apple rust fungus. Native to the Northeastern region of the United States and hardy to zones ...
they are treated to resist the elements. The surface where you chose to mount your outdoor loudspeaker needs to be strong enough to support the weight of the bracket and loudspeaker, so stick with drilling into solid wood or masonry. Do not mount outdoor loudspeakers to ceda...
Restoring an older wood deck starts with proper preparation. Skipping this crucial step can cause your new deck stain to fail prematurely. Regardless of the brand or price of the stain, it won’t hold up if applied to a surface that hasn’t been thoroughly cleaned and prepped. When dealing...
CARCedar Apple Rust(fungal disease) CARCancer-Associated Retinopathy CARCorrective Action Report CARCanadian Aviation Regulation CARCommittee on Accreditation Review(Massachusetts) CARControlled Activities Regulations(UK) CARChampions Are Readers(literacy) ...
•‘Spring Snow’– sterile white blooms rarely develop fruit; upright tree matures to 20’ to 25’ in height; susceptible to cedar apple rust and fireblight and seriously affected by scab •M. angustifolia– the native species to eastern North America is worth mentioning, if not for its ...
•Cedar apple rust– this fungal disease spends half of its life cycle on junipers; yellow-orange leaf spots appear on crabapples in the spring, often leading to premature leaf drop; maintain at least 500 feet between apples and junipers to eliminate this disease from the landsca...