If you are taking Triphala to improve taste, or to treat oral ulcers, then it makes sense to take it in churna (powder) form. For any other purpose, it can be taken in tablet or capsule form. With western medicines Seek your doctor’s advice if you are taking this product along with...
Ananda’s Ayurvedic Physicians advice on the best forms of satiating sugar to consume Did you know, the human body-mind needs ample amount of directional rest to let go and process the unwanted accumulated fat! Read about theDhyana Meditation Programto experience a deep sense of stillness and c...
Another easy way to get all the nutrients you need and help your body detoxify is to add vega powder to your diet. Vega powder contains complete protein from a multisource plant-based blend, as well as a variety of greens (kale, spinach, broccoli and alfalfa). It’s such a great way ...
Though the supplement may claim to be “all natural.” this doesn’t necessarily mean it is safe to consume. If the supplement says “natural flavors,” this could mean monosodium-glutamate (MSG) has been added. Many people suffer from severe allergies to MSG and it should not be included...