It evolved from the Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR) models that use explanatory and dependent variables within the neighborhood of a target feature to construct a local linear regression model for interpretation or prediction. In GWR models, it is assumed that the neighbori...
Assessing TPACK requires clarity in its conceptualization and operationalization. Researcher differ in conceptualizingknowledge(Sitzmann et al.,2010): Some understand knowledge as a declarative construct best evaluated through knowledge tests, others see it as rooted in skills necessitating observation-based a...
CytoscapeRPCis a plugin for Cytoscape to use Cytoscape as a RPC server. You can call Cytoscape functions from variety of languages including Perl, Python, Ruby, and R. In this tutorial, you learn how to use Cytoscape from R console. Setup You need to install the following plugins/packages....
These pages may be examined on line. In the case of the USCRN page, parameters can be loaded for that application to input and construct a plot. Both pages include a link to data files that can be downloaded. Both are text files and both have data fields delimited by either a comma o...
Related post:Step-by-Step Instructions for How to Do t-Tests in Excel What Are P values? P values are the probability that a sample will have an effect at least as extreme as the effect observed in your sampleifthe null hypothesis is correct. ...
tool performs an advanced spatial regression technique that is used in geography, urban planning, and various other disciplines. It evolved from theGeographically Weighted Regression (GWR)model that uses explanatory and dependent variables within the neighborhood of a target feature ...
The results are reported in Table 2, column 1. After estimating the crop income equation (first moment), considering that the residuals are not normally distributed, we use the residuals of this regression to construct the dependent variables for the variance, negative semi-variance, and skewness...
Based on this, this paper uses the absorptive capacity theory to construct a model of the relationships between the acquisition dimension, digestion dimension, conversion dimension, utilization dimension, and sustainable development in the innovation process of smart cities and uses the fuzzy set ...
Thus, the size and quality of assets held by a bank are important determinants of its decision to accept or reject government bailouts. Our analysis differs from existing literature in two ways. First, we construct a contingent claim model along the lines of Mullins and Pyle (1994) for the ...
It is also hoped that investors would construct infrastructures and transfer technology so as to benefit their host country, yet none of these are formal requirements expected from investors. According to the interviews made with the lessees, the lower land lease prices are considered as a ...