You’ve got three ports to choose from: two around the back of the console and one on the front. It makes no difference which ones you use. If you’re these ports are already taken by other accessories such as a gamepad controller or external storage, you can connect a USB hub. This...
You also need to connect the capture card to your computer typically via USB. Most high-end hardware encoders feature a built-in capture card, allowing for a direct connection with your video source. You also don’t need a capture card if you are using a USB camera or mic. Elgato is ...
In this article, we present 7 reliable ways on how to turn mic on in CS:GO. Here is how to fix CS:GO mic not working in Windows 10/11.
A popular choice among podcasters and many video producers on YouTube is Blue's Snowball mic. You can also step up in quality and go for the Yeti Studio, also from Blue. While any microphone records audio, you usually get better quality with a higher-end device. We recommend recording you...
Technically you can connect your Playstation or XBox controllers to your computer, but that'll take a little more work. You'll need to download a driver to read them (unless you're using an XBox controller on Windows) and those can be pretty buggy. ...
So here’s what to do: connect your mic and your webcam (no shame if those are on board) to your computer, and test them to see if everything is working. A tip: getting clear audio is more important, at least initially, than having great video. If everything works, great! Next...
If you do spring for a dedicated USB or XLR microphone (like the ultra-popularBlue Yeti), we recommend astand that suspends it over your desk, in order to prevent vibrations from the table from getting picked up. Banging away at a keyboard can get pretty loud for those listeni...