How to Contact Spirits, Angels and Departed Loved Ones A Step-by-Step Guide 《How to Contact Spirits, Angels and Departed Loved Ones A Step-by-Step Guide》是Body & Mind Productions出版的图书。
In this installment of Allure Astrology, we explore how mediums and psychics communicate with ghosts and spirits and bridge the gap between the dead and the living.
If you’ve been curious about working with your ancestor spirits, now is an excellent time of year to start, because thedark of the yearis a great time to listen to otherworldly voices and connect with the shadow lands. We’re nearingSamhain, which is the ancient Celtic holiday that Hallow...
The spirits offer to connect.In these days of virtual meetings and latenight show hosts Zooming from their basements, we are all learning how to connect differently. The spirits have been ready, willing and able to connect with us - - no internet or Zoom required. We simply need to do o...
Connect with Others Socialize: Reconnect with friends, family, or loved ones. Spending time with others can lift your spirits and provide you with a sense of belonging. Reach out for support: If you’re feeling particularly down, consider talking to a therapist or trusted individual about how ...
Infuse Your Day with Intention and Awareness Deepening Awareness of Spirit’s Presence Everything in Life is Spiritual Spirituality, Change & Patience by Katinka Hesselink I never quite know what people mean when they talk about spirituality, so this is more about how to bring awareness into your...
For those of you keeping track: that’s two meals per year for 10+ years! But I also know it’s so important to spend time with my visiting loved ones, so stressing out about dinner isnoton the menu. I’m sharing all my favorite tips and tricks for a stress-free Christmas dinner....
Acts Prayer is a powerful way to connect with God, but it requires a heart that is open and receptive to His leading. Before beginning a prayer session, it’s important to take a few moments to prepare your heart. This can involve confessing any sins or distractions that may be weighing...
The process of selecting and putting on clothes can become a moment of mindfulness—an opportunity to slow down and connect with yourself. Rather than rushing through the morning routine, try taking a few moments to think about how you want to feel that day and choose an outfit that reflects...
Words of Affirmation (10 out of 12) Actions don't always speak louder than words. If this is your love language, unsolicited compliments mean the world to you. Hearing the words, “I love you,” are important – hearing the reasons behind that love sends your spirits skyward. Insults ...