HOW TO:查詢事件 HOW TO:訂閱事件記錄檔中的事件 HOW TO:存取與讀取事件資訊 HOW TO:設定與讀取事件記錄檔屬性 HOW TO:擷取事件提供者的相關資訊 HOW TO:匯出、封存與清除事件記錄檔 HOW TO:接聽事件並將它們儲存到 SQL 資料庫中 HOW TO:接聽事件並將它們儲存到 SQL 資料庫中 使用應用程式設定檔 建立...
HOW TO:啟用 SqlDataSource 控制項的篩選功能 HOW TO:使用 SqlDataSource 控制項連接至 SQL Server 資料庫 (Visual Studio) HOW TO:使用 SqlDataSource 控制項連接至 Access 資料庫 (Visual Studio) HOW TO:使用 SqlDataSource 控制項連接到 ODBC 資料庫 (Visual Studio) HOW TO:使用 SqlDataSource 控...
To connect to a SQL Server database using the SqlDataSource controlIn Microsoft Visual Studio, open a Web site, add an ASP.NET page (Web Form), and switch to Design view. From the Data group in the Toolbox, drag a SqlDataSource control onto the page. On the SqlDataSource Tasks ...
使用SqlDataSource 控制項連接到 Oracle 資料庫 開啟您要連接到 Oracle 資料庫的網頁。 切換至 [設計] 檢視。 從[工具箱] 的 [資料] 索引標籤,將 [SqlDataSource] 控制項拖曳到網頁上。 如果[SqlDataSource 工作] 智慧標籤沒有出現,請以滑鼠右鍵按一下控制項,再按一下 [顯示智慧標籤]。 在[SqlData...
How to: Maintain a Database (SQL Server Management Studio) How to: View the Execution Plan for a SQL Server Compact Query How to: Connect to a SQL Server Compact Database by Using Visual Studio Replication and RDA Tasks (SQL Server Compact) ...
The example is Visual Basic .NET code that connects to the local instance of SQL Server by using Windows Authentication.VB 复制 'Connect to the local, default instance of SQL Server. Dim srv As Server srv = New Server 'The connection is established when a property is requested. Console....
Source_Path=IIF(VAL(SUBSTR(VERSION(),15,2))=6,HOME(2),HOME()+"SAMPLES\") Connect_String='DRIVER={SQL Server};' + ; 'SERVER=MY_SERVER;DATABASE=PUBS;UID=UserName;PWD=StrongPassword' gnConnHandle=SQLSTRINGCONN(Connect_String) IF gnConnHandle > 0 * Create a command string...
Tutorial 2: Rapid Application Development Using SQL Server Compact 3.5 In this tutorial, you will learn how to leverage the design capabilities integrated into Visual Studio 2008 in order to rapidly develop applications that use data stored in a SQL Server Compact 3.5 database. Use Visual C# .NE...
Today’s README file explains how to create connection strings to SQL Server databases using Visual Studio’s built-in tools. To provide an example using real source, I created a simple Winforms application named ITworld, written in C#. Although my example app is written in C#, th...
使用Visual Studio 构建智能设备应用程序 Microsoft TechNet 主页 (中国-中文) 第10 课:使用 Visual C# 进行配置、构建和部署 使用SqlDataSource 进行带参数的查询VB VS 2010为Office客户端开发人员带来的加强功能 Silverlight教程第三部分:使用 Networking取回数据并填充DataGrid ...