To power on the goggles, connect the battery to the goggles. There’s a power button on the battery; press it once to check the battery level, press it again and hold it for two seconds to power it on/off. You’ll hear sound from the goggles when it’s booted up (the goggles hav...
A bus company called Kamil Koc runs buses from Bursa bus station (otogar) to Eskişehir railway station specifically to connect with YHT high-speed train departures to Ankara. The bus arrives right outside the station entrance at Eskişehir 15 minutes before the train leaves. Just make sure...
4 6453 Unique Devices (reported by devices) alps-Celkon alps-Chas100 alps-Chas100_V3 alps-Cherry alps-Cherry_6577 alps-Cherry-w500 alps-Cloudfone alps-Cloudpad alps-Cross alps-CS9220 alps-CT92 alps-Cubit_Majestic alps-CYA-52 alps-Cynus alps-Cynus-T1 alps-Digma alps-DNS alps-Dorado alps-...