Through your voice, you can get in touch with your inner child and begin to learn how to connect with yourself. So put on your favorite song and sing along. Create a new song all your own. Learn an instrument. As Coppard explains in the video below, music will wake you up to your ...
instead you are just allowing of it, this ensures that you are not buying into the loop of trying to solve the mind’s problem with the same pattern of thinking that created it. This state of allowing causes you to connect with the space of being, or space of your life-stream (or yo...
Change Your Beliefs and Change Your Life! Uncover your subconscious limiting beliefs. Turn them into powerful core beliefs that help to fill your self-esteem and your bank account! Are you ready to have more of what you want in your life? Money, Love, Purpose, Spirit, Direction and Happiness!
If we can tap into the source of our subconscious mind, the part of us that will never die, never gets old ,then we can connect with higher self, or someone call higher intelligence or infinite intelligence, or god. That holds the answer to every problem that we have. And also weve ...
“Whoever you think you are as person and however you think the world operates will be reflected back to you in the events of your life.” Manifesting is simply utilizing the creative force of the subconscious mind by directing into the future. Anything is possible! The only limitation is wh...
When the cognitive mind is busy, it overrides the intuitive right brain and the subconscious mind, the home of intuition. Learning to quiet down this superficial "monkey" mind layer is the key to unlocking your deeper, far more powerful subconscious mind. ...
Create your own Quiz If you have been wondering whether you are an empath or not, take this Heyoka Empath Test or Subconscious Test to reveal how much of an empath you are. Has anyone told you that you are empathetic? You might have heard about empaths and highly sensitive...
by Brenda Berg Your subconscious mind is a powerful force to be reckoned with. It makes up around 95% of your brain power and handles everything your body
Another effective way to rest your mind is tosimply let it wander. Sometimes, the best ideas come when you’re not actively trying to come up with them. So, take a break from your work and let your mind wander. By doing so, you can tap into your subconscious and unlock new insights...
It never feels good to indulge in powerless behavior, it saps your energy, it drains your sense of confidence, it degrades your character, it hacks away at your integrity and leaves you feeling miserable to say the least. And yet, a lot of us, constantly, keep choosing to connect with ...