There is one potential pitfall:the default baud rate for DH485 is 19200, and this is what you will find most of the time. However, it is possible to configure it in the PLC settings to be 1200, 2400, or 9600 baud at as well. The 1747-UIC adapter only supports 19200 baud out o...
But this is actually just the beginning because DAQ systems likeIOLITE RackandIOLITEcan even eliminate the PLC hardware completely in many applications. It is possible to connect IOLITE to a computer host running real-time PLC software. These include systems like: ...
EtherCAT最早由德国Beckhoff公司研发的,当前很多基于EtherCAT的运动控制方案都采用Beckhoff的PLC作为控制器。 ABB伺服驱动器是新一代智能、可编程的伺服驱动器,可以支持EtherCAT,EtherNet Powerlink, Profinet io, Ethernet/IP和Modbus TCP等工业以太网,开放性非常好,在工业中得到广泛的应用。 本系列视频将通过六节微课,介绍...