Otherwise, modify the client connection string to use the a SERVICE_NAME field to match the actual PDB service name instead of the SID field : <my_alias> = (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS=(protocol = tcp)(HOST=<hostname.domain>)(port = 1521)) (CONNECT_DATA=(SERVER=DEDICATED)(SERVICE_NAME = ...
When the FC is connected to the computer, a new COM Port should appear in the Configurator. Select this new COM Port and click “Connect”. Note that in the example, I have COM11, but it’s most likely to be different in your case. And often the COM port changes on a different fl...
Third, theNetwork Aliaslist will be displayed after you choose theTNSconnection type. Just select thePDBORCLas the network alias. By doing this, you explicitly specify the pluggable databasePDBORCLto which you want to connect. Fourth, click theTestbutton to test the database connection. If you...
Connect to a FTP using SFTP Connect to API and wait to response Connect To Cpanel MySql Database Remotely In C# Connect to Microsoft VPN in C# Connect to sql via ip adress.C# Connecting C# application to online SQL Server database Connecting PostgreSql to C# windows forms Connecting to Remot...
Connect to a FTP using SFTP Connect to API and wait to response Connect To Cpanel MySql Database Remotely In C# Connect to Microsoft VPN in C# Connect to sql via ip adress.C# Connecting C# application to online SQL Server database Connecting PostgreSql to C# windows forms Connecting to Remote...
I have a flip32 and need to connect to a X8R receiver. The receiver connects with Sbus as well Can I use a Sbus to cppm decoder to complete my setup. Or what can I do Reply 7th March 2016 - 4:35 pm yes a SBUS to CPPM decoder is probably the simplest solution for you, and sh...
Input the command to grab the certificate: openssl s_client-connect dynupdate.no-ip.com:443 You will notice that the domain for the update service is is no-ip.com and NOT noip.com. If you visit dynupdate.no-ip.com with a web browser you will find that you get a...
in Oracle tools and APIs to identify the machine and database that you want to connect to. You might have used an Easy Connect string likelocalhost:1521/XEPDB1for a local database. It identifies the host computer, port number, and the database service name that is running on that ...
Step 4: Create a Flask App and Connect to the Binance API The third step is to create a Flask app and connect it to the Binance API. A Flask app is a web application that consists of one or more Python files that define the routes, views, and logic of your app. A route is a ...
This is a step-by-step tutorial on how to write a custom classifier from scratch using managed code and how to install and debug it on Windows Server 2012. The classifier will be written in C# using Microsoft Visual Studio 2010, but the code can be easily ported to Vi...