Here isHow to See SQLite Database Data Saved in Device using Android Studio. This post has the steps to see the data stored in the SQLite database in the device. This is an extended post of our previous postExample of SQLite Database in React NativeandExample to Load Pre Populated SQLite...
I am currently migrating my project to core as per my clients requirement and I am stuck with a specific part for which i will need your help of. I am using the following piece of code to retrieve the SQL to the DTO on the BLL. = _dbContext.Databas...
I'm developing a multi-platform application, for Android everything works perfectly, but I have to make it work for iOS, but the only device I have is an iPhone, my question is, can I test the application on the iPhone I have? All replies (3) Thursday, March 2, 2017 7:20 PM ...
SQLite Databases /data/data/<package-name>/databases/ Internal Storage /data/data/<package-name>/files/ adb Connect throug USB adb -d shell Connect through TCP/IP adb -e shell Get a shell or execute the specified command adb shell [cmd] ...
Connect to an Access Database inC# We can connect to an Access database in C# by following the steps below. First, open Microsoft Access and select a Blank Desktop Database. Name the database, and then click Create. Create a table in the database, and name it. We’ll call itEmployee...
UniDACis a suite of universal data access components for connecting toSQL Server,SQLite,Oracle,MySQL,PostgreSQL, SAP ASE, xBase (DBF), Amazon Redshift, andInterBasefrom iOS and Android (you can use UniDAC to develop Windows applications that connect to almost any popular database, b...
You can choose to either connect an existing SQL database to your Mobile Apps back end or create a new SQL database. In this section, we create a SQL database.Note If you already have a database in the same location as the Mobile Apps back end, you can instead select Use an ...
I would like to connect external MySql / SQL database in Android App using Xamarin Visual Studio version 2013. It is possible to connect this database? If yes then How can I connect ? I have tied by using SQLite database and it is working fine. I refer bellow video but it is not...
Connect to over 20 databases natively with FireDAC’s high speed direct access, including InterBase, SQLite, MySQL, SQL Server, Oracle, PostgreSQL, DB2, SQL Anywhere, Advantage DB, Firebird, Access, Informix, MongoDB and more Faster Coding ...
This lesson will show you how to handle the user pressing the hardware "back" button on an Android device.