If you don't see a Print Screen key on your Logitech keyboard, the shortcut may come in other sequences, such asFN+Del. Consult the manual for shortcut specifics. Totake a screenshot on Mac, pressShift+Command+3. Alternatively, pressShift+Command+4to select the portion of the screen y...
Most of the time, the problem is not a big deal and can be easily fixed, but there could be cases when the keyboard’s not working problem is due to hardware failures, so you would need to replace the Logitech K780 keyboard with a new one to get it sorted. Let’s dig in to find...
USB drives, etc.), and the problem is back. Note that trying to access Keyboard preferences does not always cause a crash -- sometimes clicking on Keyboard preferences gives an error window with the message "Preferences Error -- Could not load Keyboard preferences pane." That's what it's ...