MongoDB is a document-oriented NoSQL database, which was born in 2007 in California as a service to be used within a larger project, but which soon became an independent and open-source product. It stores documents in JSON, a format based on JavaScript and simpler than XML, but still wi...
mongoose.connect(url, { useNewUrlParser:true}) Here’s how you can check whether the connection succeeds. constdb=mongoose.connectiondb.once('open',_=>{console.log('Database connected:', url)})db.on('error',err=>{console.error('connection error:', err)}) Frontend vs BackendEndpoint te...
mongoose.connect('mongodb://localhost:27017/database_name', function(err){ if(err){ console.log('database not connected'); } }); var Schema = mongoose.Schema; var userschema = new Schema ({}); var user = mongoose.model('collection_name', userschema); we can use the queries like ...
How to setup a local instance of MongoDB database, run it and connect it to a NodeJS backend as well as MongoDB Compass.
Now, you have to see all the Databases and collections in your database. The second is another way to connect your database with the command line interface. You have to download the Mongoose CLI. After downloading is completed, you have to open the Mongoose with the command line interface....
Hi community, I have created a droplet Ubuntu 20.04 (LTS) x64. Inside this server I have configured a MongoDB database (version 4.4), a NodeJS (version 14…
After setting up your database you need to updateindex.jsfile with the following code: index.js constexpress=require('express');constbodyParser=require('body-parser');constmongoose=require('mongoose');constroutes=require('./routes/api');require(...
mongoose.connect(url, {poolSize: 10, bufferMaxEntries: 0, reconnectTries: 5000, useNewUrlParser: true,useUnifiedTopology: true}); Specifying pool size while connecting to mongo database, eliminates this error.
// Step 1:constmongoose=require('mongoose');constmongoosastic=require('mongoosastic');// Step 2:mongoose.connect('mongodb://localhost:27017/studentdb');// Step 3:varStudentSchema=newmongoose.Schema({firstname:String,lastname:String,city:String});// Step 4:StudentSchema.plugin(mongoosastic...
Best of all, MongooseJS is entirely code-side, which means that for all practical purposes, you now have the best of both worlds, at least as far as the database is concerned—“schemaless” in the database (making it far easier to refactor) and “schemaful” in...