Although it sounds a bit needless to say, we still have to stress that the Logitech K780 requires the Bluetooth feature on your computer to work wirelessly. So you should either have a built-in Bluetooth adapter for your computer or an external USB Bluetooth receiver or dongle for K780 to ...
If you don't see a Print Screen key on your Logitech keyboard, the shortcut may come in other sequences, such asFN+Del. Consult the manual for shortcut specifics. Totake a screenshot on Mac, pressShift+Command+3. Alternatively, pressShift+Command+4to select the portion of the screen y...
0x7fff91fe7000 - 0x7fff91ff3fff (100.9 - 1) <94C4EAB8-20E6-3892-BD9E-27952318CF32> /System/Library/Frameworks/IOBluetooth.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/CoreBlue tooth.framework/Versions/A/CoreBluetooth 0x7fff91ff4000 - 0x7fff92002ff7 libkxld.dylib (2050.48.11) <6...