How do you get the inferred line when sketching in AutoCAD? When sketching in Inventor a dotted line shows up between a snap point and the curser loaded with a command. Most every other cad package I have used has this feature so that one can stand off a little bit from a sna...
in options "Undo (T), Close (Z)". You should not call context menu or list of option of dynamic input of "Segment" command to select option, just look at command line. From AutoCAD 2013 version, command line options have become hyperlinks and you can see which letter in upper case op...
pendean in reply to: Anonymous 07-25-2016 05:55 AM On a side note: 1024x768 is a very low display setting these days: any reason you are running it so low? It's cutting off your display if your screenshot is a full screen. After you select the line ...
To flatten a drawing using LISPs, macros, and scripts One or both of the following LISP routines, pasted into the command line in AutoCAD, will flatten a drawing. This command changes the elevation of all objects to zero: (command "_change""_all"""p""e""0""") This command moves...
Click the line spacing button and choose More... In the Paragraph dialog box that pops up, check the Paragraph Line Spacing box. Select Multiple in the drop-down menu and type in a value less than 1 (ex. 0.65). Then click OK and verify the reduced...
In the new version of AutoCAD, enter CUI on the command line and click the Transfer tab. Load the CUIx file from step 1 into the right pane of the window. Move workspace and other settings to the left pane of the window per Drag and Drop.Note...
Is the text converted to outlines or does it need to remain as text? Is the line/arrow outlined? Remove any connecting paths (short length closing outlines) and move the arrow path into position. Using the Direct Select tool box select the two anchor points for one side and use the key...
Line types (.lin) C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Autodesk\AutoCAD 20XX\RXX\enu\Support Command Aliases (acad.pgp) C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Autodesk\AutoCAD 20XX\RXX\enu\Support Note: Due to variation in the products, some shortcut commands may not function ...
First, I’m going to create a simple one. I draw one line and one single line text as shown below. I’m going to convert those objects to a custom line type. Access from ribbon or AutoCAD Menu:Express>Tools>Make Linetype. Or if you are a command-line fan, you can type MKLTYPE....
To create the other side of the wall, specify the inside point press the Enter key to escape the offset command. Step 2: Illustrate Interior Walls Since there is no double-line tool on the ribbon, you have to enter DLINE if you are using AutoCAD LT or enter MLINE and then hit ...