How to substitute .onclick() in jQuery with one function I have this code. And I want to know how to create one function which can substitute this four same .onclick() methods. I found an answers (this and this), but still no result. Thanks! $(".info-1").on("click", function(...
how to connect to Sql sever using javascript How to connect two div dynamically by connecting line ? How to control the background color of ASP.Net RadioButton controls in IE7 How to control the image size of a Hyperlink? How to convert a html page to cshtml? How to convert string...
Add ability to run CodeCombat and Ozaria simultaneously. (#6790) Sep 19, 2022 lighthouserc.js add workflow for lighthouse ci (#6892) Jan 20, 2023 nightwatch.json Refactor smoke test, add a second one Sep 21, 2016 nodemon.json - Compile main.html into lodash template for speed. ...
This article will explain how to implement the MQTT protocol in Angular projects, covering how to connect, subscribe, send and receive messages, unsubscribe, and perform other functions between clients and the MQTT Broker. Setting Up Your Angular Project with MQTT Create a New Project You can ref...
I'm no expert, but I know enough HTML, CSS & JS to send the right details to a dev team. And I found this code was connected to my store after running the home page through GTMetrix: ddg-tr-as-easylist. Well... that's actually a link to the GiTHub page I found after Googling...
The plan is to spend one or two weeks to go through basic stuff in all the topics. After that we can start a dummy rails project and learn more as we go. If you are not in Hyderabad and still want to join, just start exploring and we can connect online! Happy Hacking!!! April ...
Microsoft 365 SMTP settings (Office 365): How to connect email client or WordPress site Learn the Microsoft 365/Office 365 SMTP details and how to configure your email client or website to send emails using the SMTP server. Reading time ...
Other devices on the network can connect to the External URL. Open the URL in a browser or two, then make changes to any .scss file. The results are immediately refreshed. Examine any element in the devtools and the Styles panel will show the location of the pre-compiled Sass code. You...
Use it to make something cool, have fun, and share what you've learned with others. */ @import "compass"; @import "compass/reset"; From here we are essentially ready to style up our theme. One thing to note is that once you save your style.scss file a new style.css file in your...
Vue.js is a JavaScript framework developed to address common issues in web application development, such as complex state management and the need for a lightweight, flexible solution. The framework was designed for simplicity, efficiency, and ease of use with a syntax similar to HTML and JavaScri...