Connect your Ionic App with Firebase To start off, let’s create an Ionic Application. You can either use ourIonic Angular Firebase Full Appstarter or you can create your own Ionic 5 app from scratch. For connecting Firebase to our Ionic app we’re going to use theAngularfire2plugin. Angu...
How to connect Laravel with Firebase real-time Database? For this, you have to download Laravel application into the web server. There are free and paid versions of this application. To set up firebase, you can sign in with a Gmail account. You can make database settings in the Firebase...
Try to add the following code in MainActivity .FirebaseCrashlytics.Instance.Log(XXX);Xamarin forums are migrating to a new home on Microsoft Q&A! We invite you to post new questions in the Xamarin forums’ new home on Microsoft Q&A! For more information, please refer to this sticky post....
npm install -g @angular/cli To create a new Angular application, all you need to do is run this command: To serve your application on your localhost, you can use this command: cd demoFirebaseAppng serve Next up, you need to create a Firebase Account. ...
The Ionic 4 Firebase combination remains one of the most used in terms of a cloud backend, and today we will use the latest version of Ionic with the AngularFire RC11 to build a simple todo application!
Hy Friends, I'm developing CRUD application with Angular using Firebase database. I've already seen many tutorials and articles, but it doesn't make any sense to me. Most of them defining a Model ...
Can i directly connect Xamarin app forms to Sql Server Database that already exists ? Can I force a button to fit it's container ? Can I wrap an Angular App inside a Xamarin.Forms WebView ? Can I...?? Call async method from OnAppearing() ??? Can not build anymore error CS0006 m...
I'm using firebase.auth().signInWithCustomToken(this.props.sessionToken) for login with custom session token, but I also want to use the refresh token to have user still auth after 1 hr (default time of expiring). How can I use https://d...
testing-angular-async-stuff testing-angularjs-under-node testing-async-lazy-assertion testing-async-module-setup testing-connect-middleware testing-csp-almost testing-es6-module-in-cypress-electron testing-mongo-with-cypress testing-pseudo-elements-using-cypress testing-pyramids test...
If you have used Firebase in the past, you might have come acrossSupabase, an open source Firebase alternative that’s currently in Beta but getting a lot of great feedback. In this tutorial we will build a simple Ionic Angular application that uses Supabase as our cloud backend. We will ...