The USB adapter is labeled, but the fingerprint sensor cables are not. However, the cables have a clear color, which we can identify and connect to the USB converter. We only need four of the cables (if your fingerprint sensor has more, you can ignore the remaining colors): Red: Dependi...
You could connect the devices and appliances in your home so they can communicate with each other and with you. Any smart device in your home that uses electricity can be added to your home network and at your command. Whether you give that command by voice, remote control, tablet or ...
Here is theprojectfor Arduino IDE.temperature.hincludes the code to read data from the 1-wire sensor, andadafruit_mqtts.hincludes the Adafruit functions for MQTT over SSL connectivity. Note:to connect to MQTT broker via MQTT over SSL with Adafruit library you need to get a SHA1 fingerprint ...
Arduino can communicate with PC using USB cable and it is configured as slave device. Multiple Arduinos can be interfaced togather by making them connect through serial communication ( see pin 0 and pin 1 on top right. They enable Arduino to communicate serially with other device). Arduino ca...
Edge AI is the combination of Edge Computing and AI to run machine learning tasks directly on connected edge devices. Edge AI can perform a myriad of tasks such as object detection, speech recognition, fingerprint detection, fraud detection, autonomous driving, etc. Real company applications will ...
Program ESP8266 to send data to Google Sheets Posted below is the ESP8266 code written using Arduino IDE for reading the soil moisture sensor output and posting it to a Google Sheet on your Google Drive. In order to make it work for your case, you will need to update thessidandpassword...
Download Arduino .ino code file // This is the main method where data gets pushed to the Google sheet if (!client.connected()){ Serial.println("Connecting to client again..."); client.connect(host, httpsPort); } String urlFinal = url + "data=" + dataToPost; ...
Head toArduino ESP8266 Secure Azure IoT Hub Client V2 Superceded Version Securely stream data from ESP8266 MCUs to Azure IoT Hub over HTTPS/REST Purpose This solution securely streams sensor data directly toAzure IoT HuborAzure Event Hubover HTTPS calling Azure REST APIs from ESP8266 MCUs. ...
You could connect the devices and appliances in your home so they can communicate with each other and with you. Any smart device in your home that uses electricity can be added to your home network and at your command. Whether you give that command by voice, remote control, tablet or ...