In the "CHOOSE DEVICE" section, select ESP8266 Click on the "Create" button After that Blynk will send an Auth Token to the registered email id. The Auth Token will be required while programming the ESP8266.Copy it.. Connect NodeMCU on PC ...
In addition, you will now see that your OLED display is also showing all the above readings. Therefore, the instant your ESP8266 circuit successfully connects to your Wi-Fi, you will get all your sensor readings and appliance controls on your Blynk app. If you get to do so, congratulations!
This part is really simple. First of all, go to AppStore and download Blynk app. After that, open it and sign up. Next create new project. I called mine WeatherStation but you can name it anything you want. After that, set the device option toESP8266and connectivity type toWiFi(picture...