5. Plug the supplied USB cable into the USB port on your computer. The port's location differs between computers. Please refer to the documentation provided with your computer for more information. 6. Connect the other end of the USB cable to the < A/V OUT / DIGITAL > terminal on the ...
1.When you connect your camera by USB - if your Canon EOS Utility gives a EOS Utility screen when you connect your camera - select the "Quit" option in the menu to close the Canon utility - you had mentioned this before 2.I compiled "because I could" - and because I need to learn...
You try to access those photos or videos stored on your camera card. Once you connect the card to a computer, only to find that all the pictures and folders are now missing, or have become shortcuts (with a few KBs in size the real size could be MBs or GBs). If you encounter this...
I've gotten my T3i to connect, save the images, and have Sharpcap read them...Seems they are working. I have other problems (tracking, guiding, etc...) that means I have not yet gotten a good night. But, I know I can at least capture some images with my DSLR and read them in ...
Canon T3i. I control the mount via SkySafari with no guiding, typically stacking 60 to 120 sec. exposures in Astro Toaster, adjusting the image as the stack builds. I do not calbrate these with darks, bias, or flats. My mount is on a pier on a wood deck next to my 8X12 insulated...
I am writing to ask if there is more progress with Canon ASCOM DSLR support - I have read that some people have had success with Canon T1,T3i and T5 - but many people have reported failures - I have tried the latest updates for ASCOM 6.4, Canon ASCOM 6.3 and Sharpcap 3.2.6062 with...
If you already have a Canon T3, you do not need another camera to do EAA of objects beyond the solar system. I use a T3i almost exclusively with great success, even at F 10. I use the free Canon remote control software and tether the camera with a 15’ usb. For software I use As...