Beats Pill+ 充电3 小时后最长可播放 12 小时。当你开启或关闭 Beats Pill+ 时,电量计指示灯将闪烁,以显示电池的剩余电量。在Beats Pill+ 开启后,你可以按下电源按钮 以查看电量。 当Beats Pill+ 的电池电量低于 10% 时,第一个电量计指示灯将呈红色闪烁。
每次开启 Beats Studio3 Wireless 时,Pure ANC 都会打开,这项功能可以在播放期间减少外部噪音干扰。要打开或关闭 Pure ANC,请在头戴式耳机连接到设备后按两下电源按钮。 更新头戴式耳机 如果你将头戴式耳机与运行 iOS 11 或更高版本的 iPhone 配对,则头戴式耳机会自动更新到最新版本的固件。
You can just look at a display and click Connect to work on a MacBook Pro from an Apple Vision Pro. If the Connect button doesn't appear, or if you're using a desktop Mac like aMac miniorMac Studio, there's a second way to trigger the feature. How to st...
如果你使用的是安卓版 Beats App 将你的安卓设备或其他源设备与 Beats Pill+配对。 按住“b”按钮 3 秒钟以进入发现模式。当“b”按钮 以呼吸模式闪动时,Beats Pill+便处于可被发现状态。你现在可以将 Beats Pill+与你的安卓设备配对。 在其中一个已配对的设备上播放音乐或其他音频。这样可以控制 Beats Pill+...
Getting your in-ear headphones to fit properly can mean the difference between a great-sounding comfortable pair and ones fit for the junk drawer.
重置Beats Pill+ 要重置 Beats Pill+ 并保留设置,请按照以下步骤操作: 按住电源按钮 8 秒钟,然后松开。 按一下电源按钮。电量计将由白色变为红色闪烁三次。 要移除所有已配对设备、移除自定义名称,并将 Beats Pill+还原为出厂设置,请按照以下步骤操作: ...
On the Mac, open up Finder, then in the menu, select Go, then Connect to Server. Once you connect, you can see shared folders from the Windows PC on the Mac. From the Connect to Server screen, you can first try to find the folder by clicking Browse to bring up the Netwo...
This post totally blew up in a way I never expected. It's gotten quite a lot of traffic over the years, and I was eventually prompted to do a revised version. Below you'll find the original "How To Use Urethal Sounds," followed by a more lengthy and exp
清洁Beats Pill 和 Beats Pill+ 使用干燥的清洁布擦去灰尘和积油。 请勿使用喷雾剂、溶剂或研磨剂。 避免让水汽进入网罩和扬声器。 如果有任何液体溅到 Beats Pill 或 Beats Pill+ 上,请立即用干燥的清洁布擦干。 保养Beats Pill 和 Beats Pill+
How to fix ‘Message not sent’ error on Android How does Messages for web work? You link (authorize) a PC with the Messages app on your Android phone, and then the PC web client syncs everything on the phone with the PC, while also allowing you to interact through the PC itself. ...