Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) is one of the compute services supported by Service Connector. This article aims to help you understand:What operations are made on the cluster when creating a service connection. How to use the kubernetes resources Service Connector creates. How to troubleshoot and...
Connect to your AKS cluster. Azure CLI az aks get-credentials\--resource-groupMyClusterResourceGroup \--nameMyCluster Service Connector extension is installed in the namespacesc-systemthrough helm chart, check the namespace and the helm release by following commands. ...
Now that you've configured Bridge to Kubernetes to work with your AKS cluster that uses managed identity, you can debug as normal. See [].Learn more about using managed identify to access Azure resources by following these ...
In the cluster, we create the following objects:StorageClass, two SQL Server pods deployed asstatefulsetdeployments, and two load balancer services to connect to the respective SQL Server instances. You also notice that the load balancer services are deployed with static IP addresses, which can be...
EDB Cloud Native Postgres on AKS 3. Database as a Service (DBaaS): This features: Postgres® AI Cloud Service by EDB AWS Relational Database Service (RDS) for Postgres By evaluating these options, you can choose the best fit for your cloud database needs. Three options to ...
VmSubnet: a subnet for a jump-box virtual machine used to connect to the (private) AKS cluster and for the private endpoints. AppGatewaySubnet: a subnet hosting the Application Gateway. Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities: a user-defined managed i...
The other day I posted a blog on how to deploy an AKS cluster that is ready for Windows workloads using Terraform. Today, I wanted to expand that to include...
In this next screen, you can select how you want your API to receive the Client ID and Client Secret credentials. If you select Custom Expression, you can change the name of the fields, if they’ll be headers, query parameters, or even the request payload. For more information, please ...
I am using consul azure managed app server and i have installed consul agent on aks. kubectlgetsvc-nconsulNAMETYPECLUSTER-IPEXTERNAL-IPPORT(S)AGEconsul-connect-injector-svcClusterIP10.0.252.97<none>443/TCP3d13hconsul-controller-webhookClusterIP10.0.169.80<none>443/TCP3d13h ...
Verify if you are able to connect to the cluster usingkubectl. You should see nodes and pods running. kubectlgetnodes kubectlgetpo-A Create the three node pools for GPU workers, load balancers, and clients: GPU LINUX WORKERS: azaksnodepooladd--namerivaserver--resource-group${AKS_RESOURCE_GR...