To conjugate a regular Portuguese verb, you need to look at its infinitive form. All regular verb infinitives end in-ar,-iror –er.Remove these endings to get the stem of the verb, then add the endings that correspond to the person doing the action. We’ll show you how this works in ...
Let’s review how to conjugate some basic verbs.Usteduses the third-person singular conjugation, which is the same as forélandella. VerbUstedTú Ser (To be)eseres Estar (To be)estáestás Tener (To have)tienetienes Ir (To go)vavas ...
The Spanish language has 2 verbs that can be translated as "to be" in English. One verb, estar, refers to a temporary state of being. The verb ser, on the other hand, refers to a permanent or long-lasting state of existence. Ser is an...