when i pick multiple line items to create the transfer orders using the transaction LT03 all TO's are created but only one by one created TO is passing from the standard code in to my code where Function Module L_TO_CONFIRM is there and only the first line item TO is getting confirmed...
When I want to confirm a transfer order with trx LT12, 2 Handling Units (HU) are assigned (which can be seen in the lower part of the screen). I have 2 items in my active worklist (different storage units) and can modify some fields, including the HU. For some reason both items h...
Unable to populate data in sales order AVC using power automate & scripting in Enterprise Resource Planning Q&A yesterday Stop requirement transfer when sales order is in approval in Enterprise Resource Planning Blogs by SAP yesterday Sales Order Type:CBAR operation(Refund Type:1 Replacement Materia...
How to save a Transfer Order and not Confirm a Transfer order The status of the TO should be in yellow and not green the status should be yellow and not green
How to confirm if the SAP Task center has received the tasks from the SAP Build Process Automation destination but it is not visible in SAP Task Center. Navigate to Task Center Administration Tile - Select the Destination ->Delta -->Check the Received instances .DELTA is a delta pull job....
For new SAP deployments, you have the option to directly deploy SAP VMs in a flexible scale set with platformFaultDomainCount=1 (FD=1). But for existing SAP systems that are not currently deployed using the flexible scale set framework, you have the optio...
User opens value help dialog to choose one item and presses Confirm Input field now displays chosen value User wants to clear the input, because it's optional Unfortunately, sap.m.Input doesn't provide a clear button sap.m.SelectDialog doesn't provide the possibility to add a...
PressENTERto confirm the data entered. Purchase order item is now populated with information from purchase info record and material master, in combination with the vendor master data. This can be seen on the next few screens. Delivery date and net price are populated from information supplied in...
In the previous two articles about SAP Business One, we explain what MRP is and how to prepare for a new MRP run in SAP B1. With an accurate model of your business in place, you can leverage the potent tool to figure out how to get the materials you need, making or selling ...
SAPData Management and Landscape Transformation(DMLT) tools and services to selectively transfer configuration and data from your old ERP system(s) to a new SAP S/4HANA instance. You can merge multiple ERP solutions. This approach is used by 5% of customers that tend to have large SAP ...