Step 2: Create a Yum Local Repository: # yum install createrepo yum-utils # mkdir -p /var/www/html/centos/{base,centosplus,extras,updates} # reposync -g -l -d -m --repoid=base --newest-only --download-metadata --download_path=/var/www/html/centos/ # reposync -g -l -d -m ...
1. Mount the RHEL 7 installation media ISO to some directory. For example /mnt : # mount -o loop rhel7.iso /mnt 2. Copy the media.repo file from the mounted directory /mnt /etc/yum.repos.d/ and name it as rhel7.repo. # cp /mnt/media.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/rhel7.repo 3. ...
which can be accessed by multiple users. However, you can create and configure a local repository on your computer and access it as a single user or allow access to other machines on yourLAN(Local Area Network).
# rpm -ivh epel-release-7-5.noarch.rpm RHEL/CentOS 6 32-64 Bit ## RHEL/CentOS 6 32-Bit ## # wget # rpm -ivh epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm ## RHEL/CentOS 6 64-Bit ## # wget http://download.fedo...
Step 2: Upgrading Kernel in CentOS 7 Most modern distributions provide a way to upgrade the kernel using apackage management system such as yumand an officially-supported repository. Important: If you looking to run custom compiled Kernel, then you should read our article that explainsHow to Com...
Now, while still in the~/hello-worlddirectory, execute the following command to create the container: docker-composeup Copy The first time we run the command, if there’s no local image namedhello-world, Docker Compose will pull it from the Docker Hub public repository: ...
ownCloud requires 7.2 or above to run, so we need to be sure that at least PHP 7.4 is installed. To do this, let's add a new trusted PHP 7 repository. $ sudo yum install -y ...
Next, use the curl command to download the ownCloud repository file: sudo curl -L -o /etc/yum.repos.d/ownCloud.repo Copy After adding the new file, use the clean command to make yum aware of the change...
export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH hash -r # reset cached paths in the current shell session just in case export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/extracted/SpeechSDK-Linux-<version>/lib/centos7-x64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH 备注 Linux .tar 包包含 RHEL/CentOS 7 的专用库。 这些库包含在 lib/centos7-...
01:04yum install httpd 01:30vim /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf 02:53systemctl start vsftpd 03:49systemctl stop firewalld 04:08cd /home 04:18mkdir folder1 04:26touch file1 To Install and configure FTP on Cent OS 7 Introduction: FTP stands for file transfer protocol that is utilized to transfe...