module.exports={plugins:{tailwindcss:{},autoprefixer:{},},}; JavaScript Copy 现在,tailwind CSS已经准备好在你的Angular项目中使用了,它已经成功地在项目中设置了。 现在你可以使用tailwind的内联CSS,并让更多的人动手,你可以参考tailwind网站。 示例2:本示例描述了在AngularJS中通过使用npm安装tailwind CSS的基...
Configure MSBuild Target Add Tailwind plugins Add Build Scripts Understanding the wwwroot folder Update index.html to use Minified CSS file Edit Index.razor Tailwind Configuration Successful Run the application Commit and deploy the application Create empty Blazor Wasm Site In how to deploy a Blazor ...
Also known as super caching, where PHP is completely bypassed and files are served in HTML. Super Caching is performed with mod_rewrite and is certainly among the fastest caching methods available to your site. The difference between super cached static files served by PHP and one served in fu...
The above lines of code will installSASS, a CSS preprocessor, andTailwindCSS, a utility CSS framework. You will utilize these packages to style your application speedily. Next, you will configureTailwindCSSin your application by running the following command: npx tailwindcss init The code above c...
Most web hosting services have uptimes over 99.5%. There a very few in the sub 99% region. While it doesn’t seem much, if 0.1% significantly impacts your income from your website, it becomes rather important. Otherwise, it is not something you need to concern yourself with.I say this...
git clone <PROJECT_NAME> cd <PROJECT_NAME> Now, run **yarn install** on the terminal to have all the dependencies for this project installed.Configuring CometChat SDKFollow the steps below to configure the CometChat SDK; at the end, ...
2. Configure Jest Let's say we've generated an Angular application calledmy-appwith the following command: ng new my-app Create thejest.config.jsfile at the root of your project const{pathsToModuleNameMapper}=require('ts-jest');const{compilerOptions}=require('./tsconfig');module.exports={...
Follow the steps below to configure the CometChat SDK; at the end, you must save these keys as an environment variable. STEP 1: Head to CometChat Dashboard and create an account. STEP 2: Log in to the CometChat dashboard, only after registering. STEP 3: From the dashboard, add ...
In previous versions, however, just the utilities layer is purged. We can manually configure Tailwind to purge all layers by setting the purgeLayersByDefault flag to true.Tailwind 2.0 also removes some gap utilities, replacing them with new ones. We can manually remove them from our code by ...
Lastly, click onURL Configto configure the page URLs for some pages on your site, such as the Author Page, Submit Listing Page, Edit Listing Page, and Price Plans Page. Keep in mind that if you imported all of the dummy content when you installed the ListingProWP theme, these pages bee...