For example, in an environment with CPU pinning, on a hypervisor with 4 CPUs, and nova confined to CPUs 2 and 3, configure the following: Raw root@overcloud-compute-0 ~]# grep CPUAffinity /etc/systemd/system.conf CPUAffinity=0 1 [root@overcloud-compute-0 ~]# grep vcpu_pin_set /etc/...
In this tutorial I shared you different methods which you can use to modify GRUB2 content in RHEL/CentOS 8 usinggrubbyandgrub2-editenv. Now grubby would be the most preferred choice asgrub2-editenvis not very user friendly in some cases specially if you wish to use this as part of some ...
Step 5 - Configure Grub2 CentOS 7 At step 4, we've already installed a new kernel 4.11.2 to the system. Now we will show you how to make it the default kernel version that will load when the system is starting. Check all available kernel versions with the awk command below. sudo aw...
This section describes how you can configure atop and kdump on Linux ECSs for performance analysis.The method for configuring atop varies with the OS version.atopIntroduc
You now know the physical and logical structure of a Linux system, what the kernel is, and how to work with processes. This chapter will teach you how the kerne...
The rationale behind using other boot loaders is either that they are simpler to configure than GRUB or that they are faster. 本书仅涉及GRUB。使用其他引导加载程序的理由要么是它们比GRUB更简单配置,要么是它们更快。 To enter a kernel name and parameters, you first need to know how to get ...
How to disableearly kdumpsupport? Remove the kernel parameter 'rd.earlykdump' fromgrub; Raw # Grab the current list of parameters r8 # grub2-editenv - list | grep kernelopts kernelopts=root=/dev/mapper/rhel-root ro crashkernel=auto resume=/dev/mapper/rhel-swap rd....
Insert the bootable device into your computer and restart the system. If required, you should configure the USB boot for the system. When the system boots, you will see the welcome screen. Click theTry Ubuntuoption. Access the terminal and enter the following command to add the Boot Repair ...
At this point, there is nothing to configure. Name and location must be specified. Enter a name for your virtual machine, such as Ubuntu18, and choose a location to save it. Use volumes that aren't the same as the system volume C:. A directory on disk D: is utilized in this ...
This post shows how to configure PXE server boot on RHEL 7 in UEFI Mode on when running over InfiniBand network. Important Note:if you wish to run it over Ethernet network, it is similar procedure. the only change is the MAC address for the Ethernet used by the DHCP server. ...