you have to remember when to usegit push origin mainand when to usegit push origin masteron a repo-to-repo basis. This is confusing and leads to creating new branches that you don't want. So change all of your GitHub repo names to main. ...
The personal access tokens are used to give access to the GitHub API. The personal access tokens are likeOAuthtokens. So, they can be used for basic authentication instead of a password forgit. Hence, we can use the personal access tokens to resolve our problem. Let’s see how to do it...
@Boillasudhakarreddy This repo is no longer actively maintained, since the plugins were moved to the emqx monorepo. Could you please repeat this question in the discussions here: Please don't forget to specify the version of EMQX broker that you're us...
$ sudo grep enable /etc/yum.repos.d/grafana.repo Permanently Enable DNF Repo To permanently disable a particular repository, use the--set-disabledswitch. $ sudo dnf config-manager --set-disabled grafana That’s all for now! In this article, we have explained how to configure software reposit...
git clone<<<your-github-account>>>/vscode.git Occasionally you will want to merge changes in the upstream repository (the official code repo) with your fork. cd vscode git checkout main git pull main ...
A repository (or repo) contains an entire coding project. It's a central place in GitHub where you can store and manage your project files or share them with others. Users create repositories to track project changes and allow others to view, edit, or modify their work. You may want to...
Add the below repo details as shown and click onCreate repository. Set access to either Private or Public. It’s better to set it to public as few features are dependent on this access. Note: The user who creates the repository is the owner of the GitHub Repository. ...
GIT is a distributed version control system that Linus Torvalds created. In this tutorial, we will install GIT, create a repository, and upload it to GitHub.
git remote add origin[github_username]/example-project.git git branch -M main The command git branch -M main is often used to rename the default "master" branch to "main", but note you must have at made at least 1 commit in your repo for this to work. ...
git clone[your username here]/[your username here] [your username here] What happens here: clone your github repo to your local directory so you can edit it to upload it again. Then, for convenience, change directory to your newly created ...