在默认情况下,Git会把"Git URL"里目录名的'.git'的后辍去掉,做为新克隆(clone)项目的目录名: (例如.git clonehttp://git.kernel.org/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux-2.6.git 会建立一个目录叫'linux-2.6') You can use Git command on your test client to clone the project. 1: CD to your work...
How to configure git repository to other port ? Something like : set('repository', 'git@domain.com:user/path.git:28'); thank you Contributor pluseg commented Feb 24, 2017 @hesiode hi! Try to use repo link in format ssh://user@domain.com:28/path/to/repo.git. antonmedv added the...
# Change This$projectroot='/home/saini/domains/cachevideos.com/git';# Change This$site_name="Kulbir Saini's git trees.";# Don't Change the variables below$my_uri="/";$home_link='/';@stylesheets=("/gitweb.css");$favicon="/git-favicon.png";$logo="/git-logo.png"; 2. Apache Op...
The GitLab project enables you to create a GitLab instance on your own hardware with a minimal installation mechanism. This guide will teach you how to install and configure GitLab Community Edition on an Ubuntu server. Prerequisites If you are using Ubuntu version 16.04 or below, we recommend...
On Windows 10, using the Intellij IDEA 2023.1.1 version, I tried to use (File, Project from Version Control) option to load a git repo. It failed because its directory tree is very long in places. I can succeed on the command li...
$git config --global core.editor'nano' In this case, we [–global]ly set thecore.editortonano. If we want to only configure the core editor for a specific repository, we run the command without the–globalflag from the root of that repository. ...
In today's article, we learn how to configure the Git tool to suit our revision control needs. We begin with a look at the git-config command and its settings files. Next, we explore the many ways we can configure Git. Finally, we give the command a simple graphical interface using ...
I trying to test the new GitLab 9.2.2 for my update our Gitlab(8.14). (I do not upgrade it directly. First I am going to test the CI and...
To Install and Configure GitLab on CentOS 8.1 INTRODUCTION: A GitLab is a version control system. It is a web-based DevOps lifecycle tool that provides a Git-repository manager providing wiki, issue-tracking, and continuous integration and deployment pipeline features, using an open-source licens...
Step 2 — Installing GitLab Now that the dependencies are in place, we can install GitLab itself. This is a straightforward process that leverages an installation script to configure your system with the GitLab repositories. Move into the/tmpdirectory and then download the installation script: ...