Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP) is an enhanced version of the now obsolete IGRP. EIGRP is Cisco proprietary which means it is available only on Cisco routers and switches. EIGRP employs an algorithm referred to as the Diffusing Update Algorithm (DUAL) which guarantees fast conver...
We will configure port forwarding on the Cisco router so that traffic hitting the public IP at port 80 will be forwarded to the Web server and traffic hitting the WAN IP at port 25 (for SMTP) will be forwarded to the SMTP server. Port Forwarding Configuration 2 The initial con...
If you have a gateway with an integrated router, you'll have to configure the gateway to disable the router and pass the WAN IP address—the unique Internet protocol address that the Internet provider assigns to your account—and all network traffic through to your new router. If you don...
anonline resource to assist people who are preparing to be or already are network engineers. This website provides a place to learn and share real Cisco troubleshooting network problems. It contains many valuable articles,cases, tools and examples of how to configure Cisco PIX/ASA, Router, Switc...
Another option would be to configure the E164 Alternate Number on the DN with the 10-digit DID, and configure the E164AN with a partition accessible by the gateway's Inbound CSS. (The E164 Alternate Number does not have to be in E164 format.) Maren 5 Helpful Reply TechLvr Spotligh...
Open Command Prompt and type 'ipconfig'. Look for Default Gateway. 2 Access Router Enter the IP address in your web browser's address bar. 3 Login Enter username and password (default is often 'admin' for both). 4 Configure Navigate to appropriate settings section and make changes. ...
Dear All, I would like to ask you some question about how to configure public ip on router 1841 and ASA 5510. let me show you my issue that: i have router 1841 ( for F0/0 use pubic ip add /30, and F0/1 use other rang public ip add
Configuration on cisco router for Default-Routing is as following: Router(config)#ip route (next-hop ip address/exit interface-Id) Administrative Distance Default-route has default Administrative Distance value as 1. So according to topology we have configure R1 and R2 with defau...
Enter Route Name: openVPN Destination LAN IP: Subnet Mask: Default Gateway: Interface: LAN & Wireless Once the info has been typed in make sure you save the setting. NOTE Note: This entry for the Routing Table assumes you have all the same settings...
Router(config-router)#exit Router(config)#exit Router# Enabling OSPF Routing on R2 The following commands enable OSPF routing on R2. Routerr>enable Router#configure terminal Router(config)#router ospf 2 Router(config-router)#network area 0 ...