After getting our project's ESLint config set up, I discovered the best way to determine the values needed to set up an.eslintrcconfig is to look at the source code for theeslint-config-*andeslint-plugin-*that you intend to use. I'll provide an example, but first let's look at ...
So I have everything installed in brackets but only error it shows is when I put single (unclosed) curly bracket somewhere in the code. Otherwise it always shows green check mark even when there are errors. So I guess I must configure it...
Step 3. Configure ESLint You might need to tweak the generated .eslintrc.json to suit your needs. A typical ESLint configuration for a React project might look like this. {"env":{"browser":true,"es2021":true,"jest":true},"extends":["eslint:recommended","plugin:react/recommended","p...
How to set up Prettier, ESLint and VSCode per project and have your JavaScript auto-formatted without pulling your hair. You can configure JavaScript code auto-formatting with Prettier to work per-project. This allows you to get a consistent formatting without thinking or arguing about it. This...
Tell us about your environment ESLint version: 8-9 eslint-plugin-vue version: latest Vue version: na Node version: na The problem you want to solve. i suceeded to get the conf working, however, the rule component-tags-order (nor block-or...
Configure ESLint Now we need to configure ESLint to enable linting support for.vuefiles. There are two necessary steps to do this: VSCode user settings Open user settings from the menu (Ctrl + ,to open) and add the following settings. ...
Configure ESLint: In your .eslintrc.js file, add the following rule under "rules": rules: { 'import/no-unused-modules': [1, { unusedExports: true }] } Now, run ESLint in your project. It will flag any unused imports, allowing you to track down unused modules that can potential...
Learn to configure ESLint and Prettier in React Angular vs React: which one to choose?André Santos Your everyday web developer who likes to hide in the backend. Javascript and Ruby are my jam. I still fumble with Docker and my builds break quite often.Read more posts by this authorPeople...
2. Configure VSCode Settings to use ESLint for Formatting Open up VSCode’s settings. On a Mac, pressCmd+,or get there through the menus: Code > Preferences > Settings. It’ll open the fancy settings editor, but we need the raw JSON settings file instead. ...
Configure ESLint and Prettier: Set up ESLint and Prettier with your preferred configuration to maintain code consistency and formatting standards across your React Native project. Enable IntelliSense: By default, Visual Studio Code supports IntelliSense for several programming languages such as JavaScript...