Can I know how to configure 10bit ADC for the same. 0 Kudos Reply 02-15-2023 02:00 AM 1,758 Views davidtosenovjan NXP TechSupport This is common topic for all kind of ADCs. 0 Kudos Reply 02-15-2023 10:39 PM 1,745 Views Charith Contributor I Can You Please Help...
Solved: HI:NXP Technical support I think I'm having difficulties with the configuration of ADC_ETC and would like to seek your help.I want to use
Solved: Hi, Recently I need to sample temperature using adc module. Configuration details are in figures. 1. I want to know which compare mode I
The MAX2769C ADC outputs support two types of baseband interface: default mode and DSP interface mode. This application note discusses how to configure the ADC registers for DSP interface mode. Refer to the MAX2769C data sheet for the default mode configuration. ...
Right now I want to build a pulse counter sent by an optical encoder on a motor. I am guessing that the output of the encoder should be connected to "J15 ADC CON", but I have no idea how to configure these pins. Could anyone show me how? A complete Verilog code will be greatly ...
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TVP5158 Hi, all I doubt the following question when i configure the CCDC(DM6441) to interact with the codec chip, TW2864: 1
Characterizing analog-to-digital converters and voltage-controlled oscillators requires a clean and stable power source. Learn how low-noise power sources provide accurate design measurements for ADC and VCO characterization.
This example shows how to configure the Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) to trigger a conversion on a specific event. The Timer/Counter type A (TCA) overflow is used to trigger the ADC sample accumulation and ADC result is transmitted through USART. - m's_Guide Hope this helps. BR Margarita My touch screen doesn't work...I can't see anyting. I think I have to modify my "am335x-boneblack.dts" file, is that right?