Specification:Promptyis an asset class not tied to any language as it usesmarkdownformat withyamlto specify your metadata.It unifies the prompt and its execution in a single package to quickly get started. Tooling:using the Prompty extension, you can quickly get...
In this tutorial I will show you how to create two separate WiFi networks using Ubiquity UniFi AP. Intro Sometimes there is a need to provide WiFi Internet to the company’s visitors. The best practices are to create separated WiFi, so called “Guest WiFi”. Guest WiFi provides access to ...
This server creates an IP subnetwork separate from the public WAN network and distributes addresses to all devices connected to the router. The number of addresses, called the IP pool, determines how many devices can be in the same local network at a time—it’s a way to control the maxim...
I believe there is a way to change the username/password and then provide that info to the server by editing a config file, but the mFi/UniFi software won't let you do this through the WebGUI. /fail NOTE1: In the future, dependencies may change. If you get an error ...
Horas de trabajoUsa las horas de trabajo que están configuradas en el calendario de Outlook para activar los parámetros de desvío de llamadas de un usuario. Las reglas de enrutamiento entrante deben cargarse al servidor como esquema XML, como parte de la información del aprovisionamiento...
Los clientes de OCS unifican conversaciones mediante un identificador de conversación (un número que identifica una conversación de forma exclusiva en los diferentes dispositivos y aplicaciones). Existe un mecanismo bastante elaborado para computar diferencias de conversaciones cuando comienza una nueva ...