If the valve is still operating under choked conditions, capacity is not affected. However, if the downstream pressure rises above the choke point, the valve will need to open further to pass the same amount of flow. We should consider the pressure drop across the piping (and the liquid ...
That would require 48hp into a generator to run constantly. luckily in all but the most insane circumstances, it doesn’t need to produce 48hp constantly. Fair points. The more I think about this you have to be right. Just doesn't seem to compute in my simple brain. RX1cobra, Aug ...
Commercialization strategy. The ethics board could also advise on the company’s commercialization strategy. On one hand, it is understandable that AI companies want to monetize their systems (e.g., to pay increasing costs for compute [153]). On the other hand, commercial pressure might incentiv...
We compare the performance of four types of support schemes aimed at improving residential energy efficiency in France: the income tax credit, a grant sche
<!-- The H2 tank on Toyota Mirai has a 5 kg capacity http://www.mytoyotamirai.com/toyota-mirai-specifications/ --> <capacity resource="methanol" value="200.0" /> <capacity resource="methanol" value="300.0" /> <!-- Default: varies according to the type of vehicle --> <capacity res...
Calculate individual feature geometries to describe physical properties such as area, length, height, centroid, and so on. Sample: How many acres in the forest are undisturbed wilderness areas? Use image classification and analysis techniques to determine feature geometries; compute and create features...
TBTrip Blank(sample submitted to see if cross-contamination has occurred) TBThrift Bank TBThought Blocking TBToggle Buffer TBThumb Bolt(plumbing) TBTrogdor the Burninator(cartoon, Homestar Runner) TBTroop Basis TBThomas Biskup(author of computer game ADOM) ...
water until away always public s something fact less though far put head think set called enough almost end took government night yet system better four told nothing eyes city president going present why point didn't look find room asked social second next later group knew business program half...
A fully electrified transport chain offers considerable potential for CO2 savings. In this paper, we examine the conditions necessary to introduce a fully electrified, large-scale, high-speed rail freight transport system in Europe in addition to high-sp
water vapour feedback, tending to amplify T, make positive contributions to the net λ, which is negative. The reciprocal of α(=−λ) is the climate sensitivity parameter S=1/α (KW−1m2); the larger α, the smaller S. This quantity is always given a positive sign, regardless of...