JMP uses cutting-edge and modern statistical methods to stay dedicated to providing a graph for every statistic and vice versa. What users like best: "This software is easy to use and really helpful in analyzing complex data. Drawing inferences from the data has never been this easy. The '...
The standard error of the mean is a key statistic in understanding sampling distributions. In this article, we’ll show you how to calculate it in Excel using a simple formula that incorporates the standard deviation and sample size. Calculate standard error of the mean in Excel ...
If the test statistic turns out to be extreme enough, it indicates that the data doesn’t work in favor of the null hypothesis, and the hypothesis must be rejected. The calculated test statistic that facilitates this process is the t-value. The value is one of the results of a t-test....
Maximum drawdownis an important trading statistic to track in your backtesting and live trading. In backtesting, it shows you the downside risk of a strategy. Tracking max drawdown in live trading helps you understand when your strategy might not be working as expected or you might be in a ...
4. How to create a bar chart The bar chart is simply a column chart rotated 90 degrees right, this makes it great if you have long item names. It lets you easily compare values across items and categories making it probably one of the most used charts in Excel. How to build Select ...
One click to add a cumulative sum line and labels for a cluster column chart The cluster column chart is quite common and useful in statistic works. Now, Kutools for Excel releases a chart tool – Add Cumulative Sum to Chart to quickly add a cumulative total line and all cumulative total ...
Press with left mouse button on the "Statistic chart" button. Press with left mouse button on the "Histogram" button. Double-press with left mouse button on the x-axis to open the task pane. Select "Bin width:" and type 5, you may have to try different values here depending on the ...
The upper control limit formula will vary depending on the statistic (average, range, proportion, count) that is being plotted. Ensure you are using the right formula! Use the UCL to Assess if There Is a Special Cause on the High Side ...
A confidence interval in Excel is a range of values where the sample mean is located in the center. The confidence interval in Excel is derived from the confidence value statistic. The confidence function returns the value that is used to build a confidence interval for a sample mean. The me...
In the following data from Facebook Survey, find the average and median hours online/week and number of friends in the sample using the appropriate Excel functions. Compute the midrange and compare al In order to set rates, an in...