And by adding another lit whale oil candle in the same container, you get the equivalent of two candelas per square meter. You should get the idea by now. Why Do You Need to Care About Nits Brightness? Now that you know what a nit is and how bright one is, you must be wondering ...
With this, we can express a single measurement in different units by appropriately converting them from one to another. One method of conversion is through the use of conversion factors, which is the multiplication of a measurement to a ratio of equival...
The first corollary of that, and again, my only axiom, is that the larger the number of people who agree on something, the more likely they’re wrong. When I say this to my students, they all look at me weird, and I say, “Can you think why that might be true...
s provide in fact a hideaway sink simply behind the kitchen counter that matches the function of this room. Presuming that there’s a TELEVISION in the living room, it could in fact be a great area to prepare your general cooking active ingredients (particularly because there’s a power ...
If I have no mortgage I’d certainly calculate version 1 because without leverage and any borrowing costs the two are the same anyway. If I do consider getting a mortgage I’d certainly want to compute both as well. First, the Cap Rate will inform me whether it’s evendesirable...
Likewise, the movement pattern reflects the properties of the movement context. In particular, big events influence human mobility depending on the dynamics of the events. However, this influence has not been explored to understand big events. In this paper, we propose a methodology for learning ...
This formula is not my own work. I gathered the information from three sources, as found in the links below. I encourage you to read these sites if you are interested in the derivation of the formula above, since there is not enough room in this already long article to cover all the ...
4. Psatis the pressure when the relative humidity is 100%. To compute the pressure P for any value of relative humidity expressed in %, we multiply the expression for Psatby the factor (rh/100): P = 6.112 × e^[(17.67 × T)/(T+243.5)] × (rh/100) ...
complicated comparison. I’ve shown in this article how to compute ongoing electrical costs. You can use the simple formula to predict and compare your electrical bills for different devices. However, we haven’t compared the energy required to manufacture different kinds ...
This particular function is very often used as it has the property that it is easy to compute its derivate for any given output value without having to invert the function to find the input value. In particular, if you work through the normal rules for derivatives and use algebraic simplifica...