The dataset below showcases the number of deaths up to June 1st, 2022 in 6 different countries. What Is Log Transform? Log Transform transforms a skewed data distribution to conform normality. The Logarithm is: p = Logq(r), It also can be written as, qp = r. The base is q, which...
Here is a partial list of features missing from Excel, but present in Prism: No automatic error bars on XY graphs--user can write functions to compute error bars and to graph them on XY graphs, but with difficulty No error bars on bar graphs No nonparametric statistics No post tests follo...
Why reprex? Getting unstuck is hard. Your first step here is usually to create a reprex, or reproducible example. The goal of a reprex is to package your code, and information about your problem so that others can run it…
How can error measures help to optimize moving averages, weighted moving averages, and exponential smoothing methods? Discuss the asymptotic properties of OLS. In particular, define and explain consistency and asymptotic normality. Using the data in the following table : a) Compute an...
Choose NORMALITY TEST Type your data column in the VARIABLE BOX (do not fill in the reference box) Choose RYAN JOINER (this is the same as Shapiro-Wilk) Click OK R:Although not as popular as SPSS or Excel, R does have the ability to perform the test. The argument is very simple: ...
Step 6: Click OK to run the KS Test.Step 7: Read the results in the “Tests of Normality” section. The “Sig” column gives you your p-value. If this value is tiny (e.g., under .05 for a 5% alpha level), then you can reject the null hypothesis that the data is normally ...
Compute the Takt time for the line (2 points). The time required to complete a final exam in a particular college course is normally distributed with a mean of 80 mins and a standard deviation of 10 mins. What is the probability of completing the exam in an hour or less?
But there are times you need to use some procedure that won’t compute standardized coefficients for you. Often it makes more sense to use a general linear model procedure to run regressions. But GLM in SAS and SPSS don’t give standardized coefficients. Likewise, you won’t get standardized...