Computation is efficient and the method can be used in an agglomerative algorithm to compute efficiently the community structure of a network. • Louvain or Blondel method (BL)29 to uncover modular communities in large networks requiring a coarse- grained description. Louvain method (BL) is an ...
However this efficiency is not expressed in percentage as you would usually expect so it does not tell us if our motor-propeller setup is consuming energy exclusively to generate lift or wasting it somewhere else. To compute an efficiency value in percentage we would need to know the minimum o...
To this end, we split the period into 1-h intervals and then compute the stoppings balance (V), the normal stoppings balance (W), the number of stoppings near the venue (P), and the normal number of stoppings near the venue (Q) for each interval following the procedure explained in...