When it comes to transactions involving any kind of real estate, the money involved is usually considerable, if not a serious amount. So you’ll have to be careful, especially when you’re dealing with strangers. Keep in mind the above items and look for them in a land title that i...
APECO Green Card/ASRV Minor Amnesty VIP Price: ¥360000/人起 菲律宾 Philippines Philippines 9G work visa downgrade/downgrade VIP Price: ¥3700/人起 VIP Price: ¥800/人起 VIP Price: ¥99999/人起 土耳其 Turkey Turkish Passport Immigration VIP Price: ¥1380000/人起 瓦努阿图 Vanuatu Vanuatu...
菲律宾 Philippines Philippine Grand Amnesty SEC13 Immigrants VIP Price: ¥537500/人起 VIP Price: ¥800/人起 VIP Price: ¥99999/人起 圣基茨 Saint Kitts and Nevis St. Kitts Passport Immigration - International Infrastructure Investment Program (PGPD) VIP Price: ¥0/人起 沙特阿拉伯 Kingdom ...
Hague certification refers to an international notary certification carried out in accordance with the Treaty on the Authentication of Foreign Official documents (the "Hague Convention") of October 5, 1961, which is used to confirm the authenticity of official documents and the validity of the ...