Next, you need to provide a celery config (the one below is copied from theofficial superset documentationwithout any modifications): classCeleryConfig(object):BROKER_URL='redis://localhost:6379/0'CELERY_IMPORTS=('superset.sql_lab','superset.tasks','superset.tasks.thumbnails')CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND...
Compute Next is a tech blog that covers the latest news and how-to's in the world of computing.
One of the most common pain points we hear from clients is wasted GPU potential. Your GPUs are powerful but only as good as the data feeding them. You’re wasting valuable compute cycles if your storage can’t keep up. That’s where both Tier 0 and Hyperscale come in. What is Tier 0...
You can also use thePermutation Feature Importance componentto compute a set of feature importance scores for your dataset. You can then use these scores to help you determine the best features to use in a model. Related content
The model used to compute style vectors in Fig. 2a was trained with images sampled from the Cellpose ‘cyto’ dataset, the TissueNet dataset and the LiveCell dataset, with probabilities 60, 20 and 20%, respectively. The generalist model that was compared to the ensembles (Fig. 2c and ...
There are various tools and techniques available to developers to help make debugging simpler and more efficient. This post looks at one such suite of debugging tools:NVIDIA Compute Sanitizer. We explore the features and walk you through examples that show its use, so that you can save time an...
(j) ] /* Routine for computing C = A * B + C */ /* Create macro to let X( i ) equal the ith element of x */ #define Y(i) y[ (i)*incx ] void AddDot( int k, float *x, int incx, float *y, float *gamma ) { /* compute gamma := x' * y + gamma with ...
A function is a section of code that, once defined, can be reused. Functions are used to make your code easier to understand by breaking it into small, under…
You have a Windows client system running PowerShell 5.0 or later, to access the device. To deploy a Kubernetes cluster, you need to configure your Azure Stack Edge device via theLocal UIon theAzure portal: Enable the compute feature on your Azure Stack Edge device. To enable compute, go...
Serverless may be useful in a situation of unpredictable usage patterns, e.g., if you are not able to estimate the amount of resources you need and don’t want to run out of resources. FaaS is meant for small, independent and non-compute intensive tasks like sending an email. Building ...