If you run Debian or Ubuntu, you can compress PDFs with the Ghostscript command line tool. Ghostscript is software that interprets and compresses certain file types, so your Linux device can read and edit PDFs. When at work or school, or if you are writing a book, you may want tosc...
I offer you to discuss compresion methons only for GNU/Linux systems, particularly because of my egoism :) (my OS is Linux Mint 10) That's the only method I know how to compress: 1. I installed Ghostscript and pdftk (sudo apt-get install ghostscript pdftk); 2. Converted my .pdf (...
1. Compressing file on Linux using command line A. Navigate to the directory which you want to compress and type in the following command Zip filename * PS: filename is the name you want to give to your zip file. Suppose I want to zip the contents of a folder named ‘Sample’ whic...
When you have to transfer a large number of PDF files or a PDF file with a large size, you need to compress the files. In this article, we will have a brief step-by-step guide on how to compress a PDF file in Linux for free through the command line.
Compress and Decompress Files in Linux The most commonly used programs compress files in Linux and Unix-like systems are: gzip bzip2 First, we will see the usage of gzip. 1. Compress and Decompress Files using Gzip The gzip is a command line utility to compress and decompress files using Le...
Zip a folder in Linux Using GUI 📋 Though I have used Ubuntu here, the method should be the same in other distributions using GNOME or other desktop environments. If you want to compress a file or folder in desktop Linux, it’s just a matter of a few clicks. ...
Now that you know how to compress a folder, maybe you would like to read on how to extract tar xz file in Linux. Any questions, suggestions or a simple word of thanks are always welcomed. Abhishek Prakash Creator of Linux Handbook and It's FOSS. An ardent Linux user who has new-...
The normal tools for compressing/uncompressing in Linux is gzip, bzip2, 7z, rar and zip. This post introduces how to compress and uncompress file in Linux using these tools. We use best compressing rate with all these tools and mark the options for “best rate” in bold fonts. We can ...
In case you want to compress a folder then you will have to use the-roption zip -r [outputfile.zip] [folder_path] In this way, the entire tablet folder is recursively arranged. You can also add the-qoption to avoid listing all the files. ...
To compress a file on Mac: If you’re using a Mac computer, you can compress files quite easily using the built-in Compress feature just like Windows. Find and select the file(s) or folder(s) you’d like to compress. To select more than one file/folder, hold theCommandkey and click...