Anyway, it must be possible to remove an icon. The working example is JOptionPane: JOptionPane.showMessage(null, "My message"); Looking at JOptionPane's source code one can find that static Frame JOptionPane.getRootFrame() is used to get a parent for the calls when parent component is set...
Use an XSL transform to remove the comments; e.g. XSL to completely remove comments (Including the space) This Q&A: explains how to do it using sed. Download, modify and build your own cop...
sudo rm -rf /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines If you want to remove a concrete version of Java, e.g. Java 9.0.1 you need: Check what Java versions are available: ls /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/ Remove the corresponding folder with that version: sudo rm -fr /Library/Java/JavaVirtual...
as there is no dedicated uninstaller app or tool, and it’s notas simple as uninstalling other Mac appssince the components are split into different locations. Instead you’ll either turn to the command line, or dig around in the Finder and file system yourself to remove Java in Mac OS....
i come some china i compare like chatti i completely agree wi i conquered the giant i considered that i construct a farm i i continued seeing my i continued to look i convinced myself i could almost hear i could be the sweete i could be your sec i could have a womans i could not...
If you are going to reinstall Java, you don't need to uninstall Java Plug-in. Just use the -f option for ln when creating a new symbolic link. Example: ln -f /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ If you want to completely remove Java from your Linux box, the procedure of remov...
Simply use Windows Explorer and find the directory where theMinicondapackage has been installed. There will be aMiniconda uninstall.exeapplication in the root directory of the installation ofminicondathat can be run to uninstall the package. Additionally, we can also remove theenvsandpkgsfolder before...
Click theAdd/Remove Programscontrol panel icon The Add/Remove control panel displays a list of software on your system, including any Java software products that are on your computer. Select any that you want to uninstall by clicking on it, and then click theRemovebutton. ...
Java used to be deeply embedded in OS X, but in recent versions of the OS it's an optional install. Here is how to check to see if it is installed, and how to disable or remove it. There's some concern over the use of Java in OS X following a recent finding thatFlashback malwa...
dilawarpushed a commit to dilawar/Scripts that referenced this issueFeb 18, 2019 Cleanup bash for centos6. afc46b4 Here's the solution I ended up using: mirror-clone from original repo with LFS, export everything, mirror-push to a new non-LFS repo: ...