Finally, while most applications will find their best solution with a standard transducer selected from one of these technologies, LEM is fully capable of developing customized solutions to meet customer specific requirements. A review of this application note will allow the customer to better ...
形成全市上下一心一意谋发展、埋头苦干抓发展、全力以赴促发展的鲜明导向和浓厚氛围,推动经济社会各项事业高质量发展。 “抓效能促发展”的主要目标是坚持立说立行、跳起摸高,着力在工作效能提升、重点任务落实、发展指标进位上下功夫,形成全市上下一心一意谋发展、埋头苦干抓发展、全力以赴促发展的鲜明导向和...
A. The head of the diplomatic mission and their households enjoy the complete immunity, provided that their households are not nationals of the receiving state. B. The members of the diplomatic staff and their households enjoy the complete immunity, provided that their households are not...