How do you complain about a doctor?karen (kazzap)
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and its Office of Civil Rights are in charge of enforcing HIPAA patient privacy protections. These federal agencies have already prohibited a doctor from promising to “not circumvent” HIPAA regulations in exchange for patients’ agreement ...
This will help them refer to the right type of cases your way, and you won’t be wasting time on referrals that aren’t the right fit for your services. 5. Develop a doctor referral system: The law of the universe is that you’ll get what you give. Pay it back by referring ...
We’ve all been there before: you feel under the weather, so you call your GP (general practitioner) surgery to book an appointment to speak to a doctor. Once you’ve listened to the infinitely looping hold music long enough that it’s permanently etched into your brain (and which you ...
Those things everybody knows but nobody is talking about. Not every mother-daughter relationship reads like a Hallmark card, and our culture makes that a shameful secret to bear. Dr. Christiane Northrup suggested that the bonding hormones that flood a mother’s blood stream at childbirth stay ...
Online delivered exams are nothing to be afraid of! They really can be less hassle, less stress, and even less worry than traveling to a test center—but...
In addition to dominating the conversation in the chair, the pandemic seemed to grow new crops of difficult clients, quick to complain about a service or angry that they couldn’t get into the salon right away. “One axiom we work with in psychology is that frustration leads to aggres...
racking up astronomical debt during medical school, you (hopefully!) become a resident. And that means you actually get paid. Yes, for the first time, you’re being paid to be a doctor. But just how much do residents make, and can the salary actually help you put a dent in your ...
crisis response services, to help you develop a plan to keep your son safe.If you are not currently working with anyone, it could be useful to discuss your concerns with your son’s doctor, and to ask for local referrals.I recognize how challenging this must be for you, and I ...
If you need more information about contraceptives, ask your doctor. If that's not comfortable, find your local family planning center. Family planning centers generally have counselors who are patient and understanding and very willing to help; they won't think you're stupid for asking qu...