repeated measures ANOVA (also known as a two-factor repeated measures ANOVA, two-factor or two-way ANOVA with repeated measures, or within-within-subjects ANOVA) compares the mean differences between groups that have been split on two within-subjects factors (also known as independent variables)....
SPSS Strings to Numeric - Wrong WayFirst off, you can convert a string into a numeric variable in variable view as shown below.Now, I never use this method myself becauseI can't apply it to many variables at once, so it may take way more effort than necessary; it doesn't generate ...
- IBM SPSS Statistics Review, Evan S. 2. JMP JMP is a data analysis software that combines the strength of interactive visualization with powerful statistics. It allows you to access, clean, visualize, share, and communicate results. JMP uses cutting-edge and modern statistical methods to stay...
In any case: we usually want to exclude outliers from data analysis. So how to do so in SPSS? We'll walk you through 3 methods, using life-choices.sav, partly shown below.In this tutorial, we'll find outliers for these reaction time variables....
# Activate the `foreign` library library(foreign) # Read the SPSS data mySPSSData <- read.spss("example.sav",, use.value.labels=FALSE) You can set the use.value.labels argument to FALSE, if you wish to not convert value labels variables to R factors. Also, to...
Chi Square Test in SPSS. Chi Square P-Value in Excel. A chi-square statistic is one way to show a relationship between two categorical variables. In statistics, there are two types of variables: numerical (countable) variables and non-numerical (categorical) variables. The chi-squared statistic...
I have 3 variables, each of them has the following value: Var A: 1,2 Var B:1,2 Var C: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 I would like to use IF statement: IF Var A=1 OR Var B=1 OR Var C=2 OR 4 OR 5 OR 8, Then create a new variable and gives a value of 1. Otherwis...
Students from different colleges take the same exam. You want to see if one college outperforms the other. What Does “One-Way” or “Two-Way Mean? One-wayortwo-wayrefers to the number ofindependent variables(IVs) in your Analysis of Variance test. ...
How can regression modeling be used to understand the association between two variables? Given the linear regression equation: y = 1.6x_1 + 7.9x_2 + 2.0x_3 (a) Which variable is the response variable? How many exploratory variables are there? (b) If x_1 = 2, x_2 = 1, and x_3...
In statistics,regressionisa techniquethatcan be usedtoanalyze the relationshipbetweenpredictor variablesanda response variable. When you use software (like R, SAS, SPSS, etc.) to perform a regression analysis, you will receivea regression table as outputthatsummarize the results of the regression. It...