it’s worth it to spend some time selecting your hosting server location. Fortunately, selecting a different location doesn’t require you to pay more, but it certainly can pay dividends when it comes to the performance of your website!
Once you have identified the areas with significant user traffic, it is time to compare the performance of different servers in those regions by assessing metrics such as latency, TTFB, uptime reliability, and customer service response times. When comparing different hosting providers offering servers ...
In a diverse and separated world, Reddit brings together people of different communities. The social media application lets you connect with other users having similar interests, giving you a safe space to share your opinions and content. Naturally, you tend to come across videos and images that ...
Sometimes it’s useful to buy products from the competition to compare design, branding, and if it really is how it’s described online – including dimensions and weight. With this level of information, you’ll be able to set realistic expectations for the product you want to sell and ...
Here are some key questions to consider when looking at an ecommerce platform’s template offering: Are the designs contemporary and easy for customers to use? Most ecommerce solutions provide demo versions of their templates for you to take a look at — compare the appearance of these to suc...
For most niche sites, the best way to get traffic is SEO. SEO is an acquisition channel that will grow passively. As long as you are ranking well for the keywords you’re targeting, you will get passive traffic. Compare that with other channels. ...
You might want to explore podcasts, for example, alongside expanding into some of the typically underserviced platforms like TikTok, Reddit, and Quora. The important thing is to strike a balance where your output is relevant and you’re not spreading your content marketing efforts too thinly. Om...
Next, use Semrush’sTraffic Analyticstool to understand how effectively different channels drive traffic to their websites. Open the tool, enter a competitor’s website, and click “Analyze.” Then, go to the “Traffic Journey” tab. You’ll see which marketing channels are bringing the most...
Use your blog to explore different elements of each update to help users get the most out of your app. Doing so will also show potential users that you’re serious about giving them maximum value. It’s also a great way to promote all those cool new features that you’ve worked so ...
The “Average monthly searches” column in Keyword Planner allows you to gauge search volume. However, it displays volume as a broad range, making it tricky to compare specific keywords and find the best opportunities. For example, Keyword Planner estimates “local SEO services” gets between 1,...