System.out.println("Both Strings are Equal (i.e. String1 is Equal to String2)"); } } } Output: Enter First String : Java Enter Second String : Blog First String is Greater than Second String. That’s all about How to compare two Strings in java....
Ifstr1is less thanstr2lexicographically, then str1.compareTo(str2) returns a negative value. The negative value is the difference betweenstr1andstr2. Java Program </> Copy publicclassExample{publicstaticvoidmain(String[]args){Stringstr1="apple";Stringstr2="carrot";intresult=str1.compareTo(s...
The String is a special class in Java, so is String comparison. When I say comparing String variables, it can be either to compare two String objects to check if they are the same, i.e. contains the same characters, or compare them alphabetically to check which comes first or second. ...
In Java, “Integer” is a wrapper class by the java.lang package used for constructing integer objects. It stores integer values in 128 bits. While programming in Java, there exists a chance that you need to compare two values of the same data type, such as int. Java offers different me...
using "==" operator to compare equality of Strings. String is a Java Type, it just defines an object. String is not an array of characters in java.Syntax to define an object of String type:String str = "This is a string object." where str is an object of String type....
3. Compare Two Lists – Find Missing Items To get the missing elements in list 1, which are present in list 2, we can reverse the solutions in the previous section. The Solution using plain Java is: ArrayList<String>listOne=newArrayList<>(Arrays.asList("a","b","c","d"));ArrayList<...
2. Compare strings using==operator In String,**==**operator is used to comparing the reference of the given strings, whether they are referring to the same objects. When you compare two strings using==operator, it will returntrueif the string variables are pointing toward the same java obje...
/*** Always use equals() and equalsIgnoreCase() method to compare two Strings in Java* @author Javin Paul*/publicclassStringComparator{publicstaticvoidmain(String args[]) { String literal ="abc"; String object =newString(literal);// comparing Strings using equals() methodif(literal.equals(ob...
Example #2 Java program to implement compareTo method that compares a string and an object. Code: publicclasscompareToExample{//main methodpublicstaticvoidmain(String args[]){//create a string for comparisonString s1="Happiness lies within you";//store comparison result of s1 and ARGUMENT in ...
publicclassIntegerComparisonExample{publicstaticvoidmain(String[]args){// Declare and initialize two Integer objectsInteger num1=10;Integer num2=5;// Use the compareTo method to compare the two integersintresult=num1.compareTo(num2);// Interpret the result and print the appropriate messageif(res...