The toddler age is a really delicate time for children. It is when the begin to slowly grasp and understand the world around them. Raising your child at that age is a tricky thing to master, with each parent having their own ways of doing so. Here are a few must do's that can help...
How to talk to a spazzing toddlerThe article offers information on how to effectively communicate with toddlers which include using repetition, lowering the tone of the voice, and speaking in short phrases.Parenting Early Y...
For TED fanatics and casual readers of the best nonfiction books alike, anyone can take away something new on how to communicate more effectively with a healthy dose of fun anecdotes over the years of TED talks. 13. You Have the Right to Remain Innocent by James Duane (narrated by James ...
First off, let’s start with a tactic as old as time itself – being rude to waitstaff. Now, most people would find this distasteful, but for an ENFJ, it’s like sticking a fork in a toaster – shocking and absolutely not recommended. They value respect and kindness, so watch their ...
how to deal with toddler tantrums in public. All of the mentioned ways and tips are safe and effective for anyone who wants release his kid from frustration. For those who are finding ways on how to deal with toddler tantrums, spend a little time reading our article to get more experience...
Why It Can Be So Hard to Communicate with Teens Look, defiance and annoying behavior is par for the course when you’re parenting teens. I’m not talking about abusive behavior; I mean those little everyday acts of defiance. This is when your child tunes you out, rol...
1. Be A Responsive Parent Children, especially infants, with responsive parents are more likely to develop a healthy emotional bond with their parents. A healthy bond between a child and caregiver is called a secure attachment. Secure attachment is associated with optimal brain development, according...
Long before we can even speak, we experience emotions; we cry, we laugh, we jump with surprise or gasp in fear. As children, we have no filters nor does the brain have the cognitive development to evaluate how and why we feel a certain emotion; therefore, we express them as they come...
Toddler can become angry when they encounter a challenge,are unable to communicate wants, or are deprived of a basic need. Some common triggers for angry outbursts or tantrums may include: being unable to communicate needs or emotions. playing with a toy or doing an activity that is hard to...
How To Stop Your Toddler From Hitting Teach Your Child To Label Feelings Kids who don't understand or know how to effectively communicate their emotions are more likely to be impulsive. A child who can't say, "I'm angry" may hit or pinch to show they're upset. Or a child who can'...