Use your actual name, not the name of your blog, or a keyword related to your business. If your comment is interesting and useful, readers will click on your name to find out more about you. Those are my tips … but I’m sure you have more to add. Leave a comment below (following...
But, there is a problem. Till when, Google will mail you these alerts, you may get late to post your comment on first (First is always important! No?) place. So, what to do, to be there, before anybody else? Read: How to use Google Alert to monitor what people are talking about...
How and why to comment on a blogTammy Lenski
May 14, 2024byNina AmirLeave a Comment How Bloggers Get Out of Their Comfort Zone You’ve heard the advice: Get out of your comfort zone! Indeed, life takes on a different quality when challenging yourself to go beyond what feels easy now. And if you have blogging goals and publishing ...
FAQ: How long will it take to build a profitable blog? If you want full-time income from your blog, it’s going to take 18+ months in the best case scenario. Part-time income could occur much sooner! I’d bet my life savings (not a huge risk) on the following: If you were to...
Google will index all Google+ comments making your post look updated with every new comment - a nice SEO feature added with zero effort. Adding Google+ commenting to blogger blog. First go toblogger.comand select your blog. On the left menu, select the newGoogle+option. Now click on the"...
Do you want to highlight the author’s comments in WordPress posts on your website? Highlighting the author’s comments in your WordPress blog can help you build engagement. Users are more likely to leave a comment when they see the author is actively participating in the discussion. ...
the month. One thing you can do if you don’t have too many comments on your blog is to highlight those you’ve enjoyed on other travel blogs. It’s also a good opportunity to link out to both the commenter (if they have a blog) as well as the travel blog the comment ...
This is going to be the most comprehensive advice you’ll find on building a successful blog from scratch. If you want to start a blog fast, though, feel free to use the numbered steps above as a quick cheat sheet. You can go directly to the step you need the most help with, or ...
Want to know How to Start a Blog and Make Money Writing Online? Pick the best hosting, domain, blogging theme, and start writing great content!