--This is another variation used to document a large database for conversion (Edited to --remove static columns) SELECT o.Name as Table_Name , c.Name as Field_Name , t.Name as Data_Type , t.length as Length_Size , t.prec as Precision_ FROM syscolumns c INNER JOIN sysobjects o ON ...
Write-Log "Unable to find shortcut $shortcutFilePath" } $commonShortcutFilePath = [System.Environment]::GetFolderPath(22) + "\Programs\"+ $shortcutName + ".lnk" if (Test-Path $commonShortcutFilePath) { Write-Log "Removing start menu item $commonShortcutFilePath" Remove-Item $com...
i didn't find any of these solutions to be effective for my use case: needing to store the returned data from the SQL to a bash variable. i ended up with the following syntax when making the call from inside a bash script running on the host computer (outside the docker...
Using SQL and AQS Approaches to Query the Index (Windows) SUBQUERY Argument (Windows) Intsafe.h Functions (Windows) Mandatory User Profiles (Windows) Execute In Explorer Sample (Windows) Known Folders Sample (Windows) IActiveBasicDevice::LogicalNetworkInterface method (Windows) Accessing the Control P...
Clearly, I don’t want code like this, using *, in my production application, so I apply my SQL Prompt custom style using the Format SQL command (or the Ctrl K, Ctrl Y shortcut). I’ve also configured the Prompt Format > Styles options so that certain formatting actions run as...
How do you format your SQL code in SQL Developer? You can pressCTRL+F7(on Windows) to format the SQL code in your current Code Editor window to update the formatting of the code based on any format changes you have made. There is no shortcut set on Mac for formatting SQL code.You ...
Place a shortcut to your application in this folder. Step 4: Adjust Power Settings Open Power Options: Press Windows + R, type powercfg.cpl, and press Enter. Modify Advanced Power Settings: Ensure that the computer is set to never sleep or hibernate. ...
With all of the objects scripted out as ALTER statements, in a single query window, simply choose SQL Prompt’sFormat SQLoption, or use theCtrl+K, Ctrl+Yshortcut, in order to format the script in the desired manner. The final step is to execute the script. You’ll firstly need to rem...
I could not simplyi nclude it using #include <winsock.h>, I had to use: pragma comment (lib "winsock"). Just by doing this, my 102 errors went away, and program worked like a charm.The reason I need to use that command is handle multiple connections. At the moment, user connectes...
Code To Duplicate A short program that isolates and demonstrates the problem (i.e. please don't paste a link to your 400 line program... instead paste your 10 line program in full). Yes, it is a pain to narrow down problems, but it's part of the debugging process. Help me help...